Sunday, August 9, 2009

Possible income???

I found a website where you can sell things that you have made. I think I may try to sell a few of my photos. I have some jewelry I made that I can put on there too.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Learning a thing or two about photography

So I was looking through some photos online over the past few days that others have taken. These pictures were uploaded to a contest; some of them were quite good, exceptional actually, while others were downright awful. While perusing said photos I realized that many people do not know how to use a camera. Point and shoot cameras are really quite easy to use, heck my 6 year old can take decent pictures with them. But then you have those that spend the money on a Digital SLR (single lens reflex) camera and never really learn how to use it. Yes, you can just “point and shoot” with these cameras too but there is so much more to them than that. The problem is that people (myself previously included) will tinker with the settings not really knowing what they do. The next thing you know EVERY picture that is taken is blurry, too bright or too dark, focused in the wrong place or even the wrong color. (I’m glad I found the reset button on my camera)

So back to the photos in question. I saw all of the problems previously listed and then some. To be honest, I couldn’t believe that people actually entered them into the contest. Some of these pictures you could tell that the camera was just too close to the subject to be able to focus on it. Many cameras have a function called Macro focus which is great for extreme close-ups. If you are going to take a close up, do it; get right up to your subject, if your camera will allow. The key is learning how your equipment works, its abilities and even its limitations.

I have found that one way to get great pictures is to take them from a perspective that you would not normally. Lighting is also a key factor in great pictures.

I have come to the conclusion that I am quite good, not prize winning, not just yet. I am eagerly looking forward to school; who knows, maybe I’ll be the next Ansel Adams.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

A New Beginning

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately and had come to the conclusion that I wasn’t entirely happy with my choice where school is concerned. I began working on my Bachelor’s degree in Interior Design back in March 2007. I really loved what I was learning at first but as I got further into the program, I lost that enthusiasm. Then we moved, so I took 2 terms off.

Now here it is almost the start of the next term and I had to make a decision… Do I stay in Interior Design or change majors? Having put the question out of my head for a little bit, I later found myself looking through boxes of photos as well as folders upon folders on the computer of pictures I have taken. It dawned on me that I was looking at something I had loved all my life.

After a lot of thought and talking to my hubs about it, I made the leap… I changed my major to Photography. I had to change schools to do this; so now I will be getting my Bachelor’s degree from The Art Institute. I begin my classes on August 20th. Most if not all of my generals should transfer over so I won’t have to take them over again. I also can now use Matt’s G.I. Bill to pay for my education! I am soooo very excited about that. If only I could use it on my previous classes.